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The experience for more than 29 years old on the Romanian market he taught us that the most important thing is to know our customers and to do everything possible to respond adequately to their needs. That is why this principle has become our business philosophy.

We seek to understand as best we can customer needs ours and to we actively contribute to the success of their projects . Tropeum has grown due to the long-term relationships it has established with each customer.

Even technologicalization of the company it was done according to the same principle. For example, when we were unable to meet a customer’s requirements at the highest level, we purchased new equipment so that we could respond to requests properly in the future. That’s how we came to have our own workshops today, with the most modern technologies, which allow us to make sophisticated and elegant prints.

In general, the success of a business is measured in money (and of course, money is important). In addition, we we measure the success of the business through the sustainability of customer relationships and their satisfaction .

Precisely because we operate in a market characterized by instability, such as the Romanian one, we chose values such as trust, efficiency and innovation as definers for the Tropeum brand .

These values would mean nothing if they were only expressed at the declarative level. We have chosen to take them on, openly and honestly. That’s how it came about The Contract of Trust , a commitment that Tropeum undertakes with its customers. What we assume by this contract:

Advice on an informed choice
We are your partners from the beginning. Our specialists provide you with all the necessary details and explanations so that you can make the most appropriate choices;
Correctness in execution
We set the details together and respect what we set.
No time wasted on materials
We provide all the necessary promotional products. You will make no effort in this direction.
No additional costs
We make a correct estimate. This way, we limit the risk of wasting money on extra products and make sure there are no additional costs.
We are talkative in terms of execution time and delivery
The delivery time is strictly respected, in addition, we will keep you informed in the link with the progress we are making in fulfilling the order.
Punctuality and respect
The Tropeum team is punctual and treats the beneficiary and his projects with respect.
A good relationship even after the end of the project
We remain at your disposal for any other requests for quotation or orders.
The Tropeum team will not make false, empty, slang promises like “our customer, our master” or “best value for money”, but we promote sincerity and honesty in communication, cultivating only long-term partnerships and win-win relationships.

Here is another 4 information about us, which is worth taking into account from the client’s perspective:

Why is it worth collaborating with Tropeum?
Because meeting the needs of our customers is a priority for us. Because we help our customers to differentiate themselves and to better highlight the brand, the company’s image. For us, personalization of promotional items and advertising production means beautiful and creative ideas, valuable for the customer.

Why can you trust the Tropeum?
Because Tropeum has been on the Romanian market for over 29 years, and this is important because during all this time, not only did we survive, but we also developed. Our development is based on building long-term partnerships with all our employees, honoring all the commitments made with both our customers and our suppliers.

What is the secret of such varied and fast services?
We carry out most of the work in our own workshops, which are equipped with modern technologies in the fields of UV polychrome or solvent digital printing, elegant diamond or laser engraving, screen printing, pad printing, dry stamping, large print, etc.

How do we guarantee the quality of our products and services?
Tropeum has implemented and maintains the ISO 9001 quality standard since 2006, and this means that we have clear procedures for the receipt and personalization of promotional items, for AQL verification and sampling of lots, so that promotional products will be printed beautifully, according to your specifications, in the quantity ordered and delivered on time.