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{{ cart.product_name }} x {{ cart.product_cart_quantity }} pcs x {{ cart.product_final_price }} € {{ cart.product_sale_price }} €

{{ cart.product_cart_subtotal_vat_excl }} € + VAT
Discount: {{ cart_total.cart_discounts }} €
Total (+ VAT): {{ cart_total.cart_subtotal_vat_excl }} €
Total (inc. VAT): {{ cart_total.cart_grand_total }} €
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Data processing

TROPEUM SRL collects personal data and special data (CNP), on the pages of its Sites, only with the voluntary consent of the Client / User, for the following purposes:

  • validation, shipping and invoicing of orders to it;
  • solving cancellations or problems of any kind related to an order or a contract, to the services or products purchased by it;
  • to ensure his access to the service;
  • sending newsletters and / or periodic alerts, by using e-mail (e-mail, SMS) and / or by phone call;
  • contacting him, at his voluntary request;
  • contacting him, in matters of Customer Relations;
  • statistical purposes.

By creating the Account, each Customer / User has expressed his consent for TROPEUM SRL to collect and manage his personal data, under the conditions and in compliance with the provisions of Law 677/2001.

Any Customer / User has the right to obtain from TROPEUM SRL, through a written request, signed and dated, sent to the address office @ tropeum, free of charge:

confirmation that the data concerning him are or are not processed by him
where appropriate, rectification, updating, blocking or deletion of data the processing of which does not comply with the law, in particular incomplete or inaccurate data;
where appropriate, the transformation into anonymous data of data the processing of which does not comply with the law;
the notification to third parties to whom the data of any operation carried out according to letter b) or c), if this notification does not prove impossible or does not involve a disproportionate effort to the legitimate interest that could be harmed.

By virtue of the voluntary registration on the TROPEUM SRL website or of accessing (ordering) the products / services of TROPEUM SRL, the Customer / User agrees to (gives his consent for) the processing of personal data by TROPEUM SRL in his own computer system, both both manually and automatically. If the Customer / User does not agree with the processing of his personal data by TROPEUM SRL, he has the right not to use the website and not to provide TROPEUM SRL with personal data.

Any Customer / User has the right to object at any time, for well-founded and legitimate reasons related to his particular situation, by sending to TROPEUM SRL a written request, dated and signed that data concerning him to be the subject of a processing, unless otherwise provided by law. In the event of justified opposition, the processing may no longer target the data in question.

Any Customer / User has the right to object at any time, free of charge and without any justification by sending to TROPEUM SRL a written request, dated and signed, that the data concerning it be processed for the purpose of direct marketing, on behalf of the operator or a third party, or disclosed to third parties for such purpose.

TROPEUM SRL may inadvertently collect other data (IP address, time of visit, place of access, name and version of internet browser, operating system, including other parameters) provided by the internet browser through which access to the site is made. and can be used by TROPEUM SRL to improve the services offered to its Customers / Users, or for statistical purposes; exception is the case where the provisions of the document are violated, in the event that the result of the actions of the Client / User contradicts the interests or causes damages of any kind by TROPEUM SRL and / or any third parties with whom TROPEUM SRL has partnership agreements at that time. . TROPEUM SRL also uses surveys that are sent by e-mail or made available on the site, for the collection of demographic data about the Customer / User, profile and other data related to consumer preferences and behavior. Such data are used to study consumer preferences and to perform statistical analyzes, used in order to adapt the offer to the expectations of TROPEUM SRL customers. The Customer / User may always provide such data voluntarily and may at any time withdraw from participating in the survey without providing the data and without any negative impact on him in the event of the right to withdraw.

Using the forms available on the site, the Customer / User has the right to modify the data that he initially declared to reflect any change that has occurred, if any.

If the Client / User opts for the online payment of the value of the orders, contract and / or contracts, the authorization and remittance for settlement of the card acceptance transactions is made exclusively through the company of EuroPayment Services SRL (EuPlatesc.ro).

EuroPayment Services SRL (EuPlatesc.ro) operates as a data processing and liaison center between card issuers, card acceptors and card users.

All types of cards issued by Romanian and foreign banks under the VISA and MasterCard logos are accepted, provided that the issuing banks have activated them for online payment.

TROPEUM SRL does not request or store any information regarding the card or bank cards of the Client / User, these being processed directly on the servers of the online payment service provider.

TROPEUM SRL’s privacy policy refers only to the data provided voluntarily by the Client / User exclusively on the site. TROPEUM SRL is not responsible for the privacy policy practiced by any other third party that can be reached through links, regardless of their nature, outside the site.

TROPEUM SRL undertakes that the data collected by the Customer / User be used only in accordance with the stated purposes and not to make public, sell, rent, license, transfer, etc. the database containing information regarding the personal or special data of the Client of any third party not involved in the fulfillment of the stated purposes.

An exception will be the situation in which the transfer / access / viewing / etc is required by the competent bodies in the cases provided by the regulations in force at the time of the event.

The bank card processor (s) approved by TROPEUM SRL has the right to access / view any type of data / documents, generated as a result of an issued order, canceled orders, contract, canceled contract or an honored contract , to investigate any Transaction, if any.

TROPEUM SRL guarantees that the personal data of a User / Client, collected through the contact form, will be used only until the solution of the problem communicated by him, after which they will become data of an exclusively statistical nature.

TROPEUM SRL is not responsible for failures that may endanger the security of the server on which the database containing this personal data is hosted.