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Shopping cart

{{ cart.product_name }} x {{ cart.product_cart_quantity }} pcs x {{ cart.product_final_price }} € {{ cart.product_sale_price }} €

{{ cart.product_cart_subtotal_vat_excl }} € + VAT
Discount: {{ cart_total.cart_discounts }} €
Total (+ VAT): {{ cart_total.cart_subtotal_vat_excl }} €
Total (inc. VAT): {{ cart_total.cart_grand_total }} €
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Payment methods

Did you choose your favorite products? We offer flexible options through which you can pay them:

  • With the bank card

  • Payment order – If you have selected this method, the order will be delivered after we receive the payment order and record the full payment in our bank account: 

    • ING Bank – ING BANK N.V. AMSTERDAM – SUC.BUCURESTI – RO76INGB0000999904303627 – RON
    • ING Bank – ING BANK N.V. AMSTERDAM – SUC.BUCURESTI – RO49INGB0000999904303628 – EUR