t r o p e u m

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{{ cart.product_name }} x {{ cart.product_cart_quantity }} pcs x {{ cart.product_final_price }} € {{ cart.product_sale_price }} €

{{ cart.product_cart_subtotal_vat_excl }} € + VAT
Discount: {{ cart_total.cart_discounts }} €
Total (+ VAT): {{ cart_total.cart_subtotal_vat_excl }} €
Total (inc. VAT): {{ cart_total.cart_grand_total }} €
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Return policy

If you bought a product from our online store and you are not completely satisfied with the purchase made, you can return it within 14 days from the date you received the product, without having to justify your decision. All you have to do is fill in the return form and send it to the email address: promotionale@tropeum.ro


You can’t return a product if :

  • shows damage or manufacturing defects
  • delivery or invoicing was incorrect

Conditions for returning a product purchased from the online store :

  • the products must be returned in the condition in which they were received, in the original packaging and accompanied by all the original accessories and documents, with the labels intact, without any physical or technical wear and tear. Otherwise, the return will be refused.
  • upon receipt of the returned product, our team will make a detailed analysis of the physical condition and operation, and after the analysis a return report will be drawn up and within 7 days we will communicate the findings.
  • returned products must be accompanied by a copy of the purchase documents and warranty certificates.
  • Products brought to order may not be returned, except for products that show damage or manufacturing defects; wrongly delivered or invoiced products.
  • products that include personalization are not subject to return and must be paid in full in advance. Each case of return must be discussed in a timely manner, and the situation will be resolved by mutual agreement.
  • If products whose consumables have been unsealed are returned, you will pay the cost of the supplies according to our price list.
  • also, we reserve the right to refuse to accept the return in case of abuse (repeated returns).

If all the above conditions are met cumulatively, the amounts paid for the purchase of the product will be returned to you within 30 days from the date of written termination of the contract, along with the tax cancellation invoices and other necessary documents, as appropriate. . The amounts will be returned by bank transfer to the account you will provide us in the return form.

After returning the product, you can choose to either return the full amount, return a partial amount and replace it with a cheaper product or replace it with a more expensive product.

The costs of returning the products will be borne by the Customer.

The conditions under which you can return a purchased product are the following: The return of the products in the Tropeum online store is based on GEO no. 34/2014, art. 9, para. 1. The legislative act can be consulted HERE