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{{ cart.product_name }} x {{ cart.product_cart_quantity }} pcs x {{ cart.product_final_price }} € {{ cart.product_sale_price }} €

{{ cart.product_cart_subtotal_vat_excl }} € + VAT
Discount: {{ cart_total.cart_discounts }} €
Total (+ VAT): {{ cart_total.cart_subtotal_vat_excl }} €
Total (inc. VAT): {{ cart_total.cart_grand_total }} €
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Terms and conditions

Privacy policy of personal data

Dear Client,

Use of this store implies acceptance of the privacy policy below. We recommend reading it carefully!

The company that manages the online store www.tropeum.ro is TROPEUM SRL CUI RO3629790. TROPEUM SRL respects the privacy and security of the processing of personal data of each user who visits or orders products from this store.

The purpose of data collection is:

issuing the fiscal documents of the transaction according to the law in force;
informing users about the status of the account on www.tropeum.ro;
informing users / customers about the evolution and status of orders;
evaluation of the products and services offered;
for advertising, marketing and advertising, statistics.
Refusal to enter this data makes it impossible to process orders. The recorded information is intended for use by the operator and is communicated only to the following recipients:

to inform the express courier company that delivers the products;
to inform the company providing the service, in the case of products that require installation at home;
for the information of the manufacturer, in the case of warranty extensions that the manufacturer issues directly to the final customer.
According to Law no. 677/2001, each user enjoys the right of access, intervention on data, the right not to be subjected to an individual decision and the right to go to court. At the same time, he has the right to object to the processing of personal data concerning him and to request the deletion of data. In order to exercise these rights, a written, dated and signed request will be sent to the company’s address, str. Răsăritului, no. 60 Buftea city or email: office@tropeum.ro

However, it should be noted that, in accordance with the provisions of the legislation in force, personal data cannot be deleted from the financial, fiscal and management documents issued by the company, these processing being mandatory, and Law no. 677/2001 provides for the exclusion of the right of opposition in this case. If any of your data is incorrect, please let us know as soon as possible.
TROPEUM SRL undertakes not to make public or sell the databases containing information regarding personal data. Personal data may be transmitted to the authorities entitled to verify commercial transactions, only at their justified request.

Terms and conditions

The site www.tropeum.ro, is the property of TROPEUM SRL, Str. Dacia no. 2, Pucioasa, Dâmbovița, Fiscal Code: RO3629790, Reg. Com: J23 / 7337/2021

Use of this site implies acceptance of the terms and conditions below. We recommend reading these carefully. TROPEUM SRL assumes the right to modify these provisions without further notice. The latest version can be found by accessing this page, called “Terms and Conditions”.

TROPEUM SRL guarantees the user limited access, in personal interest (making online orders, information), on the site www.tropeum.ro and does not give him the right to download or to modify partially or completely the site, to reproduce partially or completely the site, to copy, sell / resell or exploit the site in any other way, for commercial purposes or contrary to the interests of TROPEUM SRL without its prior written consent.

The right to create a web link to www.tropeum.ro is limited, non-exclusive and revocable, and is granted as long as it does not cause any harm to TROPEUM SRL or the partners of TROPEUM SRL, and only after obtaining the agreement in written. The copyright on the information published on the site belongs entirely TROPEUM SRL

The entire content of the site www.tropeum.ro – images, texts, graphics, symbols, web graphics, emails, scripts, programs and other data – are the property of TROPEUM SRL and its suppliers and are protected by the Law for protection of copyright and intellectual and industrial property laws. The use without the written consent of TROPEUM SRL of any of the elements listed above, is punished according to the legislation in force. It is allowed to use the site www.tropeum.ro, only within the limits mentioned in this document.

You can send us your complaint to report the copyright infringement. at the email address office@tropeum.ro.

2. Products and services offered by TROPEUM SRL on the website www.tropeum.ro, pricing policy

TROPEUM SRL reserves the right to select its customers. The products sold through www.tropeum.ro are new, in the original packaging of the manufacturer and at the time of delivery are accompanied by a tax invoice, according to the legislation in force. The products and services are offered in compliance with the provisions of this document and within the available stock. For this reason, TROPEUM SRL assumes the right not to honor a certain order in case the respective product is no longer in stock or is no longer in the current offer of the supplier / manufacturer.

Prices are updated regularly. The prices shown do not include VAT and do not include delivery costs, unless expressly stated otherwise on the site. The purchase price printed on the invoice will be the same as the one established by the sales consultant TROPEUM SRL when confirming the order as a firm order, or, in the case of orders with online payment directly by credit card, this price will be the one published on the site at the time. acquisition.

TROPEUM SRL guarantees the proper functioning of this site, the quality of the information presented, the correctness of the descriptions, the updating of the content, the quality of the products on the site. The images published on the site are real images of the products sold, but there may be small differences in color.

The content of www.tropeum.ro (texts, product descriptions, technical specifications, images, symbols) is also compiled in collaboration with the representatives of the respective producers in the country or abroad. For this reason, TROPEUM SRL does not assume responsibility for the descriptions and specifications of the products displayed on the website www.tropeum.ro, these being made available to us by the representatives of each brand, or by the importers approved by them. TROPEUM SRL and its partners reserve the right to change product descriptions and specifications without prior notice.

3. Payment for products

The ordered products must be paid in full, otherwise the delivery will not be made. Payment for products ordered from the www.tropeum.ro site according to these “Terms and Conditions” is made through the Braintree payments, I pay or Bank transfer processor in the accounts:


CONT IBAN: RO76INGB0000999904303627

Currency: RON

4. Delivery of products

TROPEUM SRL reserves the right to confirm orders before fulfilling them by contacting customers. The products will be delivered through the courier companies with which TROPEUM SRL has a contract at the time of delivery or directly by TROPEUM SRL

If the customer is not found at the address mentioned, our courier will return once again after he manages to contact him, after which the order will be canceled and the product returned to the headquarters, the customer will bear the costs of a new delivery, regardless the value of the ordered products.

The reception of the products represents the customer’s acceptance that the products have arrived in good condition and correspond quantitatively and qualitatively with what was ordered, the reception being made at the time of signing the documents taken from the courier (AWB). It will be mentioned on the AWB that the package is accompanied by the original tax invoice. By signing the AWB, the customer implicitly confirms the fact that he received the original tax invoice. The invoice constitutes a sale / purchase contract according to the Romanian legislation in force. The customer expressly agrees when signing the AWB that he has received the products that are delivered according to the order and his needs.

TROPEUM SRL reserves the right to delay or cancel deliveries of ordered products if they cannot be honored for reasons independent of TROPEUM SRL which include: natural disasters, fires, explosions, floods, epidemics, strikes, government actions, wars, acts of terrorism , protests, riots, civil unrest or other impediments to force majeure in accordance with European law.

The maximum amount of damages that can be paid by TROPEUM SRL to any customer in case of non-delivery or improper delivery is the value of the amount collected by TROPEUM SRL from the customer.

5. Promotions and contests

TROPEUM SRL establishes the regulations of the promotions and contests it organizes. These rules are made known to potential participants only through its own website. Only promotions that follow exactly the rules displayed on the site benefit from these promotions. Also, promotions apply only to orders that are registered by the company within the time period specified in the regulation and in which the promotion is valid and only within the limit of available stock. We do not guarantee the availability of promotional products in stock and we may discontinue or cancel them at any time without notice.

6. User comments on the site www.tropeum.ro

Users who access the site www.tropeum.ro may comment on the products offered, which may be published on the site after prior approval. TROPEUM SRL reserves the right, but not the obligation, not to publish on the site comments with illegal, obscene, threatening, defamatory content, which in any way disrupts the privacy of others, infringes intellectual property rights, contains viruses, texts representing bulk mail or any other form of spam.

TROPEUM SRL will not be liable and will not be liable for any damages for any damages caused by such comments or electronic communications, they being offered under the same limitation of liability as the rest of the content on the site, according to the articles from this document. In the case of sending information other than those related to the process of buying / selling products, it is considered that the user confers to TROPEUM SRL and its partners the non-exclusive, unlimited, free, irrevocable and retransmissible right to use, reproduce, modify, adapt , publishes, translates, as well as the right to distribute it by any means media anywhere. The user guarantees that he has all the rights to the content that he transmits in any way to be published on the site or not, so that by using this content, he will not cause harm to any other person.

7. Quality of hosting services, links to other sites, operating errors

The site www.tropeum.ro is hosted by the servers of a third company. TROPEUM SRL cannot be held responsible for any errors on the site regardless of the reasons for their occurrence, including changes to the site, settings, or updates to the scheduled scripts. TROPEUM SRL cannot be held responsible for errors caused due to the use of certain browsers for visiting the site www.tropeum.ro. TROPEUM SRL is not responsible for the content, quality or nature of the sites reached through links on the site www.tropeum.ro. For the respective sites, the full responsibility lies with the owners of the sites in question.

8. Subscribe and unsubscribe to the newsletter

Subscribing and unsubscribing to the newsletter of the www.tropeum.ro site is free and voluntary, and implies acceptance of the terms of use presented below. Sent messages are not unsolicited and you can unsubscribe at any time by following the instructions in the footer of each email. The messages sent comply with the law of Electronic Commerce regarding the commercial communication as it is stipulated by the Romanian and international legislation.

The use of the newsletter is made under the same conditions of limitation of liability in terms of content as the use of the site is authorized, under the conditions set out in this document, and the privacy policy is described in detail in the next section. TROPEUM SRL holds all the rights over the content of the newsletter sent to the subscribers under the same conditions as for the information published on the site, in accordance with the provisions of this document.

The subscribers of the www.tropeum.ro newsletter may resend these commercial communications to other persons, at their own risk, and only if they have not modified either the structure or the content of the respective messages. The persons who received the commercial messages from the subscribers of the www.tropeum.ro newsletter, are considered to have been informed in advance by the subscribers about the provisions of this article. In this context, TROPEUM SRL cannot be held liable in any way for the actions of its subscribers.

TROPEUM SRL reserves the right to restrict the access of any subscriber to the newsletter, if TROPEVM SRL has any reason to believe that the subscriber does not comply with the provisions of this document.

9. Protection of personal data (privacy policy)

www.tropeum.ro has the obligation to manage in safe conditions and only for the specified purposes, the personal data that you provide us about you.

The purpose of data collection is: informing users / customers (Buyers) about the status of their account on www.tropeum.ro, informing users / customers about the evolution and status of orders, evaluation of products and services offered, commercial activities, promotion of products and services, marketing, advertising, media, administrative, development, market research, statistics, sales tracking and monitoring and consumer behavior.

TROPEUM SRL guarantees the security and confidentiality of the data hosted and transmitted through its computer system. This information may be used by TROPEUM SRL to send the user confirmation of orders, various special offers, promotions, etc. only with the prior consent of the client. The provision of personal data to TROPEUM SRL does not imply obligations on the part of users, and they may refuse to provide such data in any circumstances and may request their deletion free of charge from the database. Any such request / notification in order to delete them from the database, to be dated, signed and sent by the person registered in the database by e-mail to the address gifts@tropeum.ro

TROPEUM SRL undertakes that personal data will not be disclosed to third parties, except for companies with which it is in partnership, but only on the basis of a confidentiality commitment on their part, which guarantees that this data is kept secure and that the provision of this personal information is made in accordance with the legislation in force, as follows: marketing service providers, courier, payment / banking services, telemarketing or other services, other companies with which we can develop joint programs to offer products and services our. However, personal data may be transmitted to the authorities entitled to verify commercial transactions or to other authorities entitled to carry out any justified checks under the law, if so required in accordance with applicable law. Your personal information may also be provided to the Prosecutor’s Office, the Police, the Courts and other competent state bodies, on the basis and within the limits of the legal provisions and as a result of expressly formulated requests.

Due to the way in which the personal data stored by the www.tropeum.ro system are transmitted electronically, TROPEUM SRL cannot be held responsible in any way for their loss or for the copying of information by unauthorized persons, through the use of equipment or interception software. Upon notifying the users, TROPEUM SRL will take all the measures and will make available all the necessary files to the competent bodies empowered to solve this type of crime.

The information provided to TROPEUM SRL is used only for the purpose for which it was entered (placing orders, sending personal messages, subscribing to the newsletter, etc.), according to the laws in force. TROPEUM SRL does not provide your e-mail address to third parties, does not encourage spam, and does not make public the data provided by its customers without their explicit consent.

www.tropeum.ro uses security measures against the loss, alteration or misuse of information under our control.

TROPEUM SRL cannot be held responsible for the errors occurred as a result of the user’s negligence regarding the security and confidentiality of his account and password. TROPEUM SRL cannot be held responsible in any way for the loss or alteration of the personal data stored by www.tropeum.ro for the purpose specified in this document.

Any access to the database with personal information of www.tropeum.ro users, including any unauthorized access attempt, will be recorded in an access file. The access files will make it possible for TROPEUM SRL to identify the persons who have accessed personal data without a legitimate reason, in order to notify the competent bodies. Any attempt to access the personal data of another user, to modify the content of the site or to affect the performance of the server on which the site www.tropeum.ro runs, will be considered an attempt to defraud the site www.tropeum .ro and will launch a criminal investigation against the person or persons who initiated this action.

10. Final provisions

Any other problem caused by the products and services presented on www.tropeum.ro and which is not already addressed by any article in this document, will be resolved amicably within 30 working days from the date of written notification of the problems. , by the user.

If the problem is not resolved within a reasonable time (within a maximum of 30 days), or in a satisfactory manner, please contact us for an amicable settlement at the email address: gifts @ tropeum. ro.

If the dispute has not been settled amicably, the Romanian courts or an alternative resolution body shall have jurisdiction. of disputes, agreed by both parties. By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions of Use of the www.tropeum.ro site, the customer fully assumes the consequences arising from the use of the site in these conditions.

The maximum amount of damages that can be paid by TROPEUM SRL to any customer is the value of the amount collected by TROPEUM SRL from the customer.